Saturday, 4 July 2015

Daiso Facial Mask Review: BB face mask.

Recently after turning 20, I've notice myself looking more into taking care of myself and skin but obviously I haven't a clue where to start and or what to get. So where else better to start then at Daiso! After shopping there a few times for cute accessories and general Japanese goods I saw that they had a decent spread of skin care stuff.

From other blog reviews about Diaso's products skin care stuff they are pretty good for quality so I decided to give some of their facial masks a try.

Diaso BB Face Mask : $2.80 aud.
Made in Korea.

My Sydney Diaso store only had a small array of masks so I chose the one that had the most amount of English and images I could read. I was looking for something that hydrated my skin and would leave my skin ready for a upcoming convention. The packet came with two masks $1.40 each for a single packet.

Picture of both packets and bare face.

There are instructions on the back of the packets which are straight forward and easy to read.

1. Take out mask and apply onto clean/washed face.
2. Apply mask and leave on for 5-10 minutes depending on your need.
3. Take off mask and discard.
4. Pat excess liquid and let dry.

I opened the packet and surprisingly the mask was completely benched with a gooey liquid (collagen) so taking it out of the packet and putting it onto my face was very weird since it felt like putting a slimy film over my skin haha. 

I know, I look absolutely ridiculous and THANK GOODNESS NO ONE WAS AROUND! 

Besides the gooey weirdness the mask felt alright on and could actually feel it working and absorbing into my skin. The instructions say to leave it on for 5-10 minutes but I left it on for about 1 hour and a half till the mask dried out a bit to get the most out of the mask.

The mask it's self seemed to be a bit too big for my face and I had to constantly adjust the mask so that it was covering my face properly. Also, it was incredibly difficult to keep a straight face since the mask limits your facial expressions.

My results after an hour of the mask :D 

Nothing really physically noticeable but I could feel a difference. My face was very dewy and hydrated which was something I liked along with oddly making my skin look lighter then it normally is. My skin felt bouncy and fresh too.

I would like to try some more of Daiso's other face masks to see if I get any positive and or noticeable results. Since this is my first results ever using facial masks from Diaso and was pleased with the outcome I got. I wouldn't mind looking at using other types of facial masks from other brands along with other products to try to help my complexion. 

I wouldn't mind recommendations C=   

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